Sunday, June 30, 2013

Venice slowly sinks

Venice, the beautiful city on water, despite the ability to receive 33,000 tourists a day, is receiving an average of 59,000 tourists. This is one of the reasons that this beautiful city is in danger.

A huge number of tourists who visit Venice, real estate construction and inadequate maritime traffic light causes destruction of ecosystems in the Venice lagoon bay, according to the Italian non-governmental organization Italia Nostra.

Architect Cristiano Gaspareto said that according to studies carried out 1998th years, Venice has the capacity to receive 33,000 tourists a day. The city every day has on average 59,000 tourists visit.

According to the experts in Italy Nostra, Venice is to receive a limited number of tourists who have booked travel arrangement.

The non-governmental organizations opposed to the plans of the municipality near the city of Venice to build a new depot, businesses and casinos, that other cities should be connected to high-speed rail.

Italia Nostra sharply criticized a plan by which the Venice lagoon below should build a tunnel in length of nine kilometers.

The president of Italy Nostra Alexander Moto Molfino said that Venice is really in danger, adding that it needs to find a solution that would provide long-term development.

Eggs are necessary for healthy body

Eggs contain choline, which is necessary for healthy cell membranes in the human body. Eggs also contain all the essential protein, minerals and vitamins, except Vitamin C. But egg yolks are one of few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D. Choline stimulates brain development and function and helps preserving memory. Eggs also are good for your eyes because they contain lutein which helps prevents age-related cataracts and muscular degeneration. In fact, eggs contain more lutein than spinach and other green vegetables. 

The color of the egg shell is not related to quality, nutrients or cooking characteristics. White shelled eggs are produced by hens with white feathers and white ear lobes. Brown shelled eggs are produced by hens with red feathers and red ear lobes. Brown egg layers usually are slightly larger and require more food, thus brown eggs usually cost more than white eggs. An egg shell has as many as 17,000 pores over its surface. A whole egg is about 3 tablespoons worth of liquid, the egg yolk measures about 1 tablespoon of liquid. There are about 70 calories in an uncooked egg and 77 calories in a cooked egg.

Cups of coffee a day

For many people a habits of drinking coffee is a pleasure that can not be compared with anything else. But coffee has its own magical benefits, but also dangerous defects that depend on the amount of coffee we consume in a daily basis. Find out how the number of cups of coffee can affect your body, health and your mood.

1 cup per day
Advantages: A cup of coffee a day regulates the amount of blood pressure and has a positive effect on the blood vessels. Coffee is an excellent antioxidant and stimulates brain activity.

Disadvantages: A cup of coffee is enough to disrupt your sleep and keeps you awake at night because it takes up to 8 hours for caffein to completely disappear from the body. Avoid the afternoon coffee and enjoy the morning ritual.

2 cups per day
Advantages: This amount of coffee on a daily basis is an excellent prevention against Alzheimer's disease and so because of that dose of caffeine increases the amount of protein in the brain that affects memory loss. Drinking two cups of coffee a 30 minutes before strenuous activity will give your body a great deal of energy.

Disadvantages: Two cups of coffee during pregnancy are too large doses of caffeine because it affects the production of hormones cortisol and adrenaline which can cause spontaneous abortion.

3 cups per day
Advantages: Three cups of coffee a day prevents the formation of ovarian cancer in women. This amount of this black drink has also a positive effect on men because it prevents the formation of gall stones.

Disadvantages: This dose of coffee on a daily basis due to large amounts of caffeine increases the risk of heart attack.

4 cups per day
Advantages: Four cups of coffee contains about 400 milligrams of caffeine which is a very powerful antioxidant that 'clean' the body and helps in the fight against various forms of cancer, prostate cancer and type 2 diabetes

Disadvantages: Large amount of coffee a day can lead to rheumatoid arthritis and cause nervousness and nausea.

5 cups per day
Benefits: Research has shown that drinking five cups of coffee a day significantly prevents liver disease.

Disadvantages: Five cups of coffee daily may increase risk factor for osteoporosis because caffeine absorbs calcium, which is very important for the bones.

6 cups per day
Advantages: Drinking six cups of coffee may reduce risk of skin cancer by as much as 31 percent for coffee because as an antioxidant protects and regenerates skin cells.

Disadvantages: Large amounts of coffee can lead to dehydration because coffee is a very powerful diuretic. It may also cause nausea and increase stress and cause high blood pressure which increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Reduce your desire to smoke

Smoking is unhealthy habits against which many people fights, but no avail. Although for smoking cessation a will is needed first of all, there are tricks that can certainly make the job easier for you. Learn how to reduce your desire for a cigarette.

1. When you feel a strong desire to smoke take a note of how strong that urge takes. Nicotine crisis coming in waves, and it lasts about three minutes. It will be a lot easier when you know that this wave will pass.

2. Suck hard candies. Sugar helps in suppressing the desire to smoke, but do not overdo it, but combine sugar and sweets. And also a glass of cold water can reduce the desire for a cigarette.

3. Walking and exercise are perfect in the fight against smoking. The body will thus be able to quickly overcome the nicotine crisis that is normal for smoking cessation.

4. If you feel a strong desire for a cigarette you prepare a nice bath with essential oils like lavender or jasmine or a warm shower. It will help you to calm down and relax.

5. Nicotine gum can also help you to overcome the nicotine crisis, especially in the first ten days.

6. At a time when you feel the crisis, brush your teeth. It will then reduce your desire for a cigarette.

7. Replace a coffee for a tea because tein has a similar effect as caffeine. Also, this way you will at least solve the first part of the withdrawal habit of coffee drinking with pleasure of a cigarette.

8. You could chew a gum with mint flavor or cinnamon sticks. These also help in suppressing the desire to smoke and do not forget that the crisis takes only 3 minutes.

9. Prepare your body to stop smoking and drink multivitamins and eat a lots of fruit. Also a half ounces of apple cider vinegar mixed with 2 ounces of water is a drink that can reduce the desire for a cigarette.

Become an unforgettable lover

There are some little secrets that will help you become an unforgettable lover. Before you go into the bedroom, remember that a man who is waiting for you out there wants to enjoy you and your body. Forget about the flaws, excess weight and cellulite. Thinking about the fat, the stomach and avoid touching on the critical areas will turn you into a cold and disinterested person.

Do not worry, remember Sharon Stone, she said that the men at times thinking about a lot more important things than cellulite.

Flirt, smiling and seduce him, but leave him cool. Show the man that you are interested, but do not immediately surrender to him. Play, let your dress slip and reveal your back, let him know that you're not to wearing underwear, and then disappear for a moment, then return ...

Men are visual types and they like to see a beautiful woman in her underwear so do that for them. Stand in front of the mirror and remove it slowly and with time turn around and look into his eyes. If you are shy, turn your to mirror and do that just before him, and the mirror will do the rest.

Show him the way to the parts of your body on which you want to be touched. Tell him clearly and loudly, the man will thank you. If you belong to the group shy women then make it up with sighs softly whispered "I love when you touch me here" when the hand or tongue touch the right part.

Remember the compliments. Men like to hear that they are the best lovers in the world and that no one has never been touched you like this. Reward him with the words or sighs every time he touch the right place.

Take the first step. Men like women who are secure in themselves, and from time to time they prefer to be hunted. Demonstrate initiative, even a look is sufficient or touch and you will not have to wait long.

Common topics for conversation

Common topics for conversation
You think that you are not interesting? When you talk to people, think of that situation and try to relate it to some common object. Whatever topic you choose make shure that a people are relaxed and happy to talk. Try to talk about what all people share: families, dreams, experiences etc.

Here is the example with some of the topics that you can start for conversation:

1. Who is the most interesting person you ever met, and why?

2. Who's had the biggest influence on your life?
Because this person has influenced the person you're asking, they must view them positively and have strong ideas about them. That means they're likely to enjoy talking about them.

3. From which person have you learned most in your life?
This is another uplifting, positive topic of conversation that usually gets people talking.

4. What kind of music do you like?

5. What is the most interesting thing you've you ever done?
That opens the door to all sorts of funny and romantic stories.

These examples should show you that interesting topics for conversation don't need to be complex, in fact, the more ordinary the better, because then people feel qualified to talk about the topic.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Clockwise affects the human psyche

Scientists in Wurzburg performed several experiments that proved that the movement of the clockwise affects our behavior. Study participants were offered different kinds of candy - from the standard, with flavors of apple, lemon and cherry, to the unusual, the taste of watermelon, papaya, or popcorn.

To be able to realize about what that taste is it, respondents first had to turn the plate - either the left or right, depending on which group they are. It turns out that those who were turning a plate in a clockwise direction more often chose unusual, new tastes, while those who had turned in the opposite direction are the ones who choose trusted, familiar taste.

Conclusion: Turning to the right side encourages openness to new, while turning to the left reminds us of what we know and what gives us a sense of security.

Subconsciously connecting clockwise with the willingness to try something new automatic and without the knowledge of the respondents had an impact on their decision.

In the second experiment, subjects were asked to turn the lever and thereby describe their interests and views of the world: whether they are open to everything new, tolerant and creative, or prefer to keep the traditional and conservative values.

It turned out that the lever in the direction of rotation clockwise contributions to be more open and creative, and can quickly change the conscious attitude of a man and his opinion of himself.

The study results are interesting for a market research as well. Rotating door at most department stores are turning in the direction opposite to clockwise, which is why consumers behave conservatively, say psychologists.

Changing direction could stimulate their curiosity and lead them to buy new products. In support of this theory is the fact the wheels of fortune, and roulette in the casinos always rotate in the direction of clockwise, so visitors are more willing to take risks.

Guinness Book of Records

In 1954, the Guinness Book of Records was launched by twin brothers Norris and Ross McWhirter. They were born in August 1925 at Winchmore Hill, London, the sons of William Allan McWhirter, managing director of Associated Newspapers and Northcliffe Newspapers Group. 

Both went to the same college, both were outstanding track athletes, and both served in the Royal Naval in WWII. To date, more than 100 million copies of the 400 editions of Guinness Book of Records have been sold in some 40 languages, making it one of the world’s all-time best-selling copyright book. But the Guinness Book of Records also holds the record for being the book most often stolen from public libraries. 

When asked what the most ridiculous thing is that had to be verified as a world record, Norris replied: “I interviewed Miss Universe while we stood on the chest of a man lying on a bed of nails. She was wearing stilettos, but I don’t think it made much difference to him. That was in New York City and we were being filmed by about six or seven TV channels.”

Tomato - The Apple of Paradise

An average size tomato boasts only 35 calories. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A and C and fiber, and are cholesterol free. Furthermore, new medical research suggests that the consumption of lycopene, the stuff that makes tomatoes red - may prevent cancer. 

Lycopene is part of the family of pigments called carotenoids, which are natural compounds that create the colors of fruits and vegetables. For example, beta carotene is the orange pigment in carrots. As with essential amino acids, they are not produced by the human body. Lycopene us the most powerful antioxidant in the carotenoid family and, with vitamins C and E, protect us from the free radicals that degrade many parts of the body. Tomatoes are used in many food product, including, of course ketchup, pasta and pizza. Cooked tomatoes have higher concentrations of lycopene than non-cooked tomatoes. According to a Steel Packing Council survey of 1997, 68 percent of chefs use canned tomatoes for convenience, quality and flavoring. It hasn’t changed much since.

The biggest myths about gain weight

There is almost no woman that at least once in their lives did not try to go on a diet or at least listened to some advice from friends. Eat this, but not at any time of day, try out this food, but only once a week and from this you will gain weight, and because of this you can have serious problems... But how to cope in that jungle of information? Here are four biggest myths about gain weight.

1. Eat every three hours so you will not slow down your metabolism
If you feel hungry for several hours it does not mean that you are starving the body, because it would take three full days with minimal food intake. Also, if you want to maintain normal blood sugar levels you do not have to eat every few hours.

So if you feel hungry, pick up some energy bars or similar sweet pleasure, ant that does not mean that you will therefore gain weight.

2. Do not eat too late because you will gain weight
Eating food after 20 hours will not affect the accumulation of kilograms of the same meal if you ate earlier that evening. Studies have shown that much more important how many calories you have entered the body, not in time.

If with your crazy schedule you are unable to have so-called lunch-dinner drink before 20 hours, do not worry, it's important to choose only a normal meal.

3. Caffeine is bad for your health
Most of the statements that explain how caffeine is bad for your health are not true. Drinks that contain caffeine such as popular coffee will not dehydrate your body, they are not bad for your heart and do not cause a stroke.

In fact, caffeine has many useful properties for your body. It stimulates brain activity, and studies have shown that caffeine partially protects against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. But as in everything else, should be moderate.

4. Chicken meat is the healthiest meat
Another falsehood. The real piece of beef or pork meat can be as easy as a piece of skinless chicken breast, and also provided chicken or turkey meat can be just as fat and calories and juicy as thick beef steak. Pure red meat contains twice as much zinc, iron and vitamin B12 than turkey or chicken.

If you like a particular meal and enjoy the food you're not allowed to become a slave to calories and starvation. Be moderate in everything.

History of Gibraltar

Gibraltar was considered to be the end of the earth before Columbus discovered America. The Spanish town of Tarifa is named after the Arab word Taraf, which means the end of something. Going beyond Tarifa meant that you would fall over the edge of the earth. It took 2 years for Tariq’s small force to subdue the peninsula. But after crossing the Pyrenees, they were defeated by the Franks and withdrew. 
Tariq ibn-Ziyad died about 720. Gibraltar was recaptured by the Castilians in 1309 but was regained by the Moors in 1333 and held until 1462, when it finally passed from Moorish possession. In 1502, it was annexed to the Spanish crown. In 1830, Gibraltar became a British crown colony. After the sacking of Gibraltar by the Algerian corsair Barbarossa II in 1540, the Rock was furnished with strong defenses by command of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. On July 24, 1704, during the War of the Spanish Succession, Gibraltar was captured by combined English and Dutch forces. In 1830, Gibraltar was named a crown colony.

World War II Bomber-Dogs

During the Blitzkrieg campaign in the Second World War, Russians idea was to train the dogs to carry bombs under the German tanks, because the tanks were too fast and too powerful for Russian military. The trainers would train them to find a food under the tank after they starve the dogs first. The only problem was that dogs trained under the Soviet tanks and not the loud German diesel tanks, but still they managed to destroy 300 tanks. Those dogs were the real Suicide Bombers.

Airline passengers

For the safety and security of their passengers, major airlines are required by law to employ flight attendants. Passenger safety is the flight attendant’s first priority. Seeing to the comforts and whims of passengers is a secondary priority for the the flight attendant. A challenging task, in the least, considering the needs of the 2 billion passengers – 800 million in United States airspace – the 2000 airlines transport in their 23 000 aircraft in 28 million flight departures to the 37 000 main airports every year. Apart from just having to look their best all the time, flight attendant serve about a billion meals – 500 million of which are provided by Gate Gourmet and LSG SkyChefs – to the cramped passengers. 

 No need to serve meals on short flights, in case you’ve been wondering about the other billion passengers. The main complaint by airline passengers is flight delay. 24% of flights do NOT arrive on time. That, obviously, means almost a quarter of all passengers are sitting in their little seats for longer than they anticipated. It is, of course, a bit odd considering that only 8% of flights depart late, only 0.3% of flights are diverted, and only 0.04% of flights are delayed because of security issues.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Google predicts economic trends

A proof is that the Internet is a very useful thing and it can serve even in making a revolution, according to the Arab Spring and it's discovered another very important function, which is predicting economic trends!

Researchers in England Bank, Central Bank of the United Kingdom, found that Internet-specific search terms can suggest on how to move unemployment and property prices in the future. They have for several years comparing the frequency of certain words such as real estate agency, mortgage, unemployment in internet-searchers with the actual changes that were then followed in property prices and it turned out that the data can be very much useful in the design of economic policy.

The study authors claim that data on the frequency of terms in the Internet-tests can predict changes in the level of unemployment in the UK. The most striking result of this study was given by the term real estate agency, which proved to be quite faithfully follow changes in the average house price in the last eight years.

The researchers said that according to Google's database it was possible to predict the increase in unemployment since 2008. and falling real estate values. they also said that, for example, search words LCD TV or refrigerator gives much more immediate impression of what is happening in the economy rather than waiting for official information.

Information on the Internet-search is treated as an economic indicator that these economists argue that, with all faults, very timely, because they are available on a daily basis, and to potentially cover a large sample of respondents.

Unlike traditional research methods, in which the firms or individuals required to respond to the questionnaire, the information collected here as a byproduct of normal activities - surfing the World Wide Web. In this way they avoided situations in which the respondent does not wish to respond or deliberately give false answers.

World’s Most Expensive Books

They say that a picture is better than a thousand words. Maybe this saying can explain why the pictures are more expensive than the most expensive books. However, nothing can give you the right inside look into the author’s mind like the words carefully put together, especially if it is author that wrote them. And if the author is Leonardo da Vinci, even better. Getting into one’s mind for 30 million dollars (which is the price that Bill Gates paid) doesn’t sound too expensive. There are so many books in the list of the most expensive and best selling books. There are the ones that were sold in auctions, the ones sold outside auctions… Their rank changes by the month. This is the current list of the ten most expensive books in the world.

The Gutenberg Bible
This is the first ever printed book. It is believed that there are only 180 of them today, and that there are only 21 untouched. One of those is worth from 25 to 35 million dollars. It got its name after the inventor of the printing machine, Johannes Gutenberg, who shared the destiny of a number of mind that weren’t understood in their own time: he died poor and blind in 1468. Gutenberg Bible was in Latin and it was later decorated with miniatures and initials. It was published in 1455, and printed on 1 282 pages, in 200-300 copies.

The Codex Leicester
The book is named after Thomas Cock, the Count of Lester. It has 72 pages and it dates to 1717. In 1994, the owner of Microsoft, Bill Gates has bought it for 30.8 million dollars, which is the highest price paid for a book ever. It contains drawings and Leonardo’s scientific notes on water, rocks, fossils, air and light. It is interesting that Gates has transferred it to a CD.

The First Folio
Here, we have the first edition of Shakespeare’s plays which dates back to 1623. It was prepared by Shakespeare himself and published by his colleagues John Hemings and Henry Condell, seven years after the writer’s death. It contains 36 plays, around 20 of which are Shakespeare’s authentic.

Birds of America
The book of the American ornithologist and painter James Audubon was sold in 2000 for 8.8 million dollars, all of the 120 copies, to a sheik. It was supposed to be on an auction again, together with Shakespeare’s Firs Folio. Audubon’s book, often referred to as “the best picture book of all time”, it might beat the price of 10 million dollars. With one meter in height and with pictures of the birds in natural size it has the status of a national monument.

Traites Des Arbres Fruitiers
The book was published in 1768, as a work of French boranist Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau. It shows in detail, 16 types of fruit, their sorts and also includes illustrations. It was sold in an auction in Brussels for 4.5 million dollars.

Ptolemy’s Cosmography
Worth 3.9 million dollars, it was written between 90 and 170. The subject is the geocentric concept of the universe (Earth is the center of the world), which Copernicus did approve, but also the field theory, which connects the horoscope and the laws of physics (the four element theory) which is becoming more and more popular.

The Mercator Atlas of Europe
This atlas (evaluated price, 1.3 million dollars) is in the British library. Gerardus Mercator (1512-1594) is a Flemish cartographer that mapped the planet, and all of his maps, including the map if Europe from 1554, are shown in Duisburg, a city that led the cartographic workshop.

Tamerlane and Other Poems
The work of Edgar Allan Poe, who’s short stories are considered the forerunner of detective novels, is the first book that he wrote under the pseudonym “a Bostonian”, when he was only 14 years old. A copy of this rare book was sold in an auction for 662.500 dollars. Poe’s turbulent life (a gambler, an alcoholic) has always attracted readers, and his books have always attracted collectors.

Action Comics
This book presented Superman, the first real superhero to the world. The comic of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster was published in 1938, in 880 copies. The antiquary edition was sold to an anonymous buyer for a million dollars.

Where the Wild Things Are
The book written by Maurice Sendak was a rarity in kids literature, when it was published, because it describes the dark side of their emotions. In that genre, its value is a record – 10.200 dollars. 


Meteorites Attack

A comet consists mostly of ice, but an asteroid is made of rock and metal. Crash some asteroids into each other and you get small pieces that break off, called meteoroids. When a meteoroid enters Earth’s atmosphere it leaves a visible streak of light and becomes known as a meteor. We generally refer to it as a falling star or shooting star. 

When a meteoroid hits the ground on Earth it is known as a meteorite. About 500 small meteorites fall to earth every year but most fall in the sea and in unpopulated areas. They are small because meteoroids break up in Earth’s atmosphere, most are just vaporized before hitting land or sea. A meteorite can be the size of a small rock but most are smaller than a pea. The chances of being hit by a meteorite is very small. Animals are occasionally hit and there are many claims and reports of people being hit by a meteorite but most of those claims could not be verified.

World population

Every second five babies are born in the world and only two people die. That makes a net gain of three new people every second. At this rate, the world population will double every 40 years and would be 12 billion in 40 years, 24 billion in 80 years, and more than 48 billion in 120 years. However the United Nations estimate that world population will stabilize at 12 billion in 120 years, citing that effective family planning will result in a universally low birth rate. Education plays a key role: almost half of the 6 billion people are under age 25.

Did you Know....???!!!

  • Dinosaurs sometimes had accidents!
    Quite a few fossil bones have been found with factures in them.
  • Did you know that the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." contains all of the letters of the alphabet
  •  During the Secession War, when troops returned to their cartels without casualties, they would write “0 Killed” on a big plate. That’s the origin of the expression OK.
  • Mosquitoes have teeth.
  • An average person laughs 15 times a day.
  • Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump...luckily :)
  • Cockroaches can live for nine days after loosing their head, and then die from starvation.
  • Right-handed people live 9 years longer than left-handed people, in average.
  • It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open
  • Pentagon has two times the number of toilets it needs. When it was built, the law required separate toilets for black and white people.
  • The name Jeep comes the American military abbreviation G.P. - General Purpose vehicle
  • If a statue of a horseman has both horse's legs in the air, the person died in a battle. If only one leg is up, the person died of the wounds from the battle. If all four legs are down, the person died by natural death.
  • Multiply 111 111 111 x 111 111 111 = 12 345 678 987 654 321
  • Every king in cards represents one of the great kings: spades – King David, clubs – Alexander the Great, hearts – Carlo the Great, diamonds – Julius Cesar.
  • Duck’s sounds don’t produce echo and nobody knows why.
  • American Airlines saved 40 000 in 1987 by taking out one olive from the salad that was served in first class.
  • Coca Cola was originally green.
  • You cannot suck on your own elbow.
  • Quarter of all the storks in the world live in Poland.
  • In spite of the belief, donkeys are one of the most intelligent Equidae. For example, they use the hair on their chin to see if a fence is electrocuted and they won’t step onto a dangerous place, unless their master steps on it first.
  • The oldest city in France is Marseilles. It was founded by the Greeks in 600 B.C.
  • In Oregon, the law forbids tracking horse races or symphony concerts.
  • In Norfolk, no woman was allowed to go out on the street without a corset. There was a special corset inspector.
  • In Finland, Donald Duck cartoons were forbidden for a long time, because he never wore any underpants.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon (15 Aug 1769 – 5 May 1821) was in Paris during the French revolution, and when France became a Republic on 10 August 1792, he was promoted to the rank of Captain. After defeating the Italian armies in 1796 and the Austrians in 1797, he was made General. In November 1799, he overthrew the French Directory to become First Consul of the government. He called himself Napoleon I. In 1804, a 12 years after the monarchy was disposed of in the French Revolution, Napoleon secured a vote to change France from a consulate to an empire. Napoleon became Emperor of France. 
By 1812, Napoleon had wiped out the last traces of the Holy Roman Empire and conquered most of Europe. But after a disastrous battle against Russia, his enemies struck back. On March 18, 1814, the allies marched into Paris. Napoleon abdicated on April 6, 1814. Napoleon was sent into exile on Elba, a tiny island off the coast of Italy. In March 1815, he escaped and marched toward Paris with thousands of his old guard. For a brief time, known as the Hundred Days, Napoleon returned to his former glory. He was finally defeated by a combined English and Prussian force on June 18, 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium.

Everyone want to go to Mars

Even the 400 volunteers signed up on their own initiative to travel to Mars after "The Journal of Cosmology" published an article dealing with the potential colonization of the red planet.

The idea of the colonization of Mars, has long represented in all forms of science-fiction, from novels to movies, according to the respected American journal, it could be realized but through the next 20 years. No matter which candidate of the most colorful profiles (among them there were even quite a few retirees and a few nurse), they would not have to pass the rigorous NASA tests. Fox News published a small survey that motivate these people for 10 month journey from which there is no return.

"I do very well with solitude and I can work good with a variety of tools and repairs. I even have made a device to supply solar energy and built three houses with my own hands "it's a clip from a letter of the motivated Passover Rostov, 69-year-old engineer for computers.

"I have a desire to explore the universe since I was a kid and have always been fascinated by rockets" discovered Peter Greaves, father of three children, employed as vendors of spare parts for motorcycles.

Editorial of the magazine remained stunned by the number of applications due the potential problems detailed in the mission because it is not published anywhere to receive the application, according to Fox.

Green Tea as an ally against cancer

If you like the taste of green tea, it's time for this drink to become your daily pleasure. Studies have shown that the ancient Chinese drink has positive aspects, which helps in fighting cancer and Alzheimer's disease. In addition to a delicious hot or cold drink, in which we enjoy throughout the year, green tea is much healthier and more useful than we previously thought.

The latest British research has shown that green tea protects the brain from Alzheimer's disease and could have a very significant role in the fight against cancer.

This drink originates from China where it was the favorite drink, and proved to have a very strong protective properties for the human body, and most importantly it its digestive properties are becoming more powerful and have more pronounced effect. Some compounds according to new research slowing the growth and development of tumor cells. Green tea has been for centuries a part of Chinese tradition, and its medicinal properties now have the scientific background.

Although a healthy lifestyle such as healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables and fish and everyday activities are crucial in the fight against major diseases of our time, a cup of green tea per day is certainly a good habit.

Who was Benjamin Franklin?

Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 17 of 1706. He was the ninth child out of eleven children. Ben Franklin ran away when his father couldn't give him any money so he traveled 50 miles to find a work. He was a civil worker, inventor, a founding father, scientist, publisher and even author. He held many political positions such as Minister to France which caused frequent travel to other countries. When he was 84, he died an abolitionist at April 17 of 1790. 


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

10 Interesting Facts

Earth is a very interesting planet that we’re living on. Even though around 70% of it has water, the planet’s life form which is most advanced can be found on land.
Below are 10 interesting facts about Earth which show you just how interesting our planet really is.

  1. Scientific dating estimates the Earth to be around 4.54 billion years old with a 1% margin of error.
  2. Oxygen forms approximately 47% of the crust of the Earth.
  3. Earth has poles at the bottom and the top of the planet called the north and south poles which makes it a huge magnet.
  4. An Earth day is not 24 hours long. It’s actually 23h, 56m, 4s which is the time that the planet needs to rotate on its own axis.
  5. This is the only planet from the solar system which has water in all the matter states: gas (as clouds), liquid (rain, sea, etc) and solid (ice).
  6. Scientists say that an Earth day had around 20 hours a few million years ago and that a million years from now it will have 27 hours.
  7. The coldest place on Earth is Vostok (in Antarctica) and the hottest area is El Azizia (in Libya). That’s interesting!
  8. Did you know that on July 21st 1983, the coldest temperature ever on the planet earth was recorded at a frightening 128.6 degrees fahrenheit below zero (-89.2  ÂºC) in Antarctica by Soviet scientist at the Vostok expedition station? Thats one cool fact!
  9. The Earth’s year has 365.2564 days. Thanks to this extra .2564, every four years, the leap year appears, which has an extra day.
  10. The oldest tree from Earth is estimated to be about 4600 years old and it’s a bristlecone pine from California. That’s an amazing fact!
Above you can see 10 interesting facts about planet Earth, which show you just how special our planet is and how much is worth protecting it.

Interesting Facts About Technology

When you think about technology you might think about NASA, computers, the internet, energy, electronic gadgets or even automobiles but technology has been around long before these inventions. The Gutenberg printing press is one such example. The gutenberg printing press appeared in the 15th century. It revolutionized the world and it’s a great example of world changing technology. Another technology we take for granted today is the invention of the wheel, thats right ‘the wheel’ as in a circular rotating wheel. The wheel has changed life for all human beings by just making life easier and most technologies, tools and most products including some types of pottery just couldn’t exist without it.
From medicines to tools, technology not only will usually help to improve peoples lives but strongly contributes to the economy and stability of nations around the world. There are instances when certain technologies could devalue a society.
Even various ape species, sea life and birds discover new technologies which help to make life better and may pass down the new technology they’ve learned to the next generation.
If you know any interesting facts about technology you’d like to see here feel free to submit them along with your email, if we use them we’ll be sure to thank you. We can’t use copy n paste information from another site, the facts have to be in your own words.

Below are some more interesting facts about technology.
  • Smell has weight.

  • The first patent for rolled toilet paper was made in 1883. Some of the things used to wipe before toilet paper was put into mass-production included mussel shells, corn cobs, wool, leaves, the left hand, moss, snow and even sticks.

  • The bread slicer was 1st patented by American Otto Frederick Rohwedder the same year the 1st loaf of sliced bread was sold, 1928.

  • The 1st patent on the automatic popup toaster was in 1919.

  • The highest a human has flown from the earth upward by balloon is approximately 128,097 feet which is over 23 miles (39 kilometers) above sea level and it was done by Felix Baumgartner of Austria. The balloon was 55 stories tall, helium filled and strung to a capsule that Felix sat in. Baumgartner was wearing a full body, high technology, oxygen supplied, fully pressurized and heated suit with helmet.

  • Felix Baumgartner is the only human to break the sound barrier in a free fall surrounded by only a suit without the aid of any type of vessel protecting him while falling. Baumgartner’s world record free fall speed is recorded at 833.9 miles per hour at mach 1.24 and since he was traveling at a speed faster than the speed of sound he didn’t hear the sonic boom. The planning of this mission took over 5 years with a total of about 300 people including 70 engineers, scientists and physicians.

  • Did you know that the awesome sounding crack of a bullwhip in the air is a supersonic boom? The crack of the whip occurs when the sound barrier is broken.

  • Six astronauts have driven a lunar rover on the moon.

  • If you’ve ever wondered how fast the earth orbits through space, we travel at an average of about 67,000 miles per hour every day and night on earth.

  • The international space station is traveling at an astonishing 17,500 miles per hour.

  • Is it true Windmills all over the world go counterclockwise but the ones in Ireland go clockwise. It is true and that’s a fact.

  • It’s true, the match was invented after the cigarette lighter. Interesting and kinda strange!

  • Using the U.S numeral system, if you started at the number one and spelled out each numeral in order like one, two, three, four etc. you’d be all the way to the number one thousand before your first encounter the letter “a”.

  • The first emails could only be sent to someone using the same local host with two computers literally side by side. In late 1971 Raymond S Tomlinson sent the first useful email to a user separated from the same host by simply implementing a minor addition to the protocol that was being used and chose to use the @ sign in the email address which we still use today. When asked why he chose the @ sign, he said the @ sign just made sense.

  • Thomas Edison nicknamed his first two sons Dot and Dash and maybe it had something to do with the unexplained tattoo of dots on his left forearm. I read that his tattoo of dots were shaped like the 5 dots or pips seen on dice. This is not an unusual tattoo to see on people who’ve been in prison and gang members. It can have various meanings, his reason for the tattoo is unexplained.

  • Some of you are wondering who is Thomas Edison? He’s probably best known to many as the inventor of the light bulb, known then as electric lamps. What he actually did was took the already invented electric lamp and made improvements for a more durable, practical, commercial grade bulb. He then filed an improvement claim and sold the bulbs through Edison Electric Light Company.

  • Who did Apple Inc replace Steve Jobs with? After the death of Steve Jobs on October 5th 2011, Apple Inc. appointed  Arther Levinson it’s non-executive chairman.

  • Benjamin Franklin invented flippers for swimming in the year 1717 and was inducted into the international swimming hall of fame for the invention. They were originally wooden swim fins shaped like a lily pad and went on the hands. They were about 10 inches (250mm) long and 6 inches (150mm) wide and helped people to swim faster.

  • Who was Benjamin Franklin? If your thinking he invented more than swimming flippers your correct. Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the United States, inventor and much more, we could have a whole page just dedicated to him. A few of his most notable inventions were the Franklin Stove in the year 1742, bifocals invented sometime between 1764 – 1784 and the lightning rod in the year 1749. Yes, someone actually invented the lightning rod.

  • You see barcodes on a lot of merchandise being sold these days but have you ever wondered what the very first item scanned and sold with a barcode was? it was a pack of Wrigley gum.

  • The first photo camera took 8 hours to take a photo, during which you would need to remain still.

  • At least 1300 inventions were patented by Thomas Edison during his entire lifetime.

  • Automobile transmissions used whale oil up until 1973.

  • At the time of writing this in August 2012, the world has only fourteen operating blimps.

  • Watches and clocks are often times lubricated by jewelers with a pure silicone watch oil which can fetch a price of around $3,100 or more per gallon. It’s usually purchased in much smaller quantities.

  • The first patent for the life boat goes back to 1845.

  • The well known credit card company Mastercard was at first called Master Charge.

  • The Apple II had a hard drive of only 5 megabytes when it was launched.

  • A dentist is the inventor of the electric chair.

  • The ball at the top of a flagpole has a name, the ball often times seen at the top of a flagpole is known as a truck.

  • It may not sound very comfortable but Ancient Egyptians actually slept on hard pillows they called head rests made of stone pottery, wood and other uncomfortable materials.

  • Th AAA Motor Club and travel organization was created initially so that it could warn traveling motorists about police speed traps around the country.

  • The US uses more steel to create bottle caps than it does to make bodies for cars.

  • The Kleenex tissue was initially a filter for gas masks.

  • NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

  • NASA’s main headquarters is located in Washington DC.

  • Nasa’s space station Skylab launched off in 1973 and crashed on earth in July 1979 in western Australia. The town of Esperance fined NASA $400.00 for littering. The fine was never paid.

  • We will be adding more interesting facts about technology, so check back soon.

Informative Essay Topics

 Writing a good informative essay is an art form in itself. You have to hook the reader from the very beginning, especially when writing an academic essay where it's easy to descend into drudgery. Choosing interesting informative essay topics is the start of this. Pick something interesting and your job becomes much easier. Fail to do this and it's an uphill climb as you have to attempt to inject some excitement into something which isn't necessarily engaging.

When a tutor sets an informative assignment they are looking for students in Australia to educate the reader. It requires a great deal of expertise. This is why you should always choose something you have a genuine interest in as you must communicate your passion in an easy-to-understand manner. In this case, you are the teacher. Your research should display the intricate nuances of your chosen topic. This is the only way to get the high marks.

Also, tailor your subject to the length of the essay. If it's a twenty-page mega essay a broader topic is better, whereas attempting to do this in 500 words isn't advised as you'll have to water your ideas down, or even miss some vital concepts out completely.

Here are 50 exciting informative essay topics for you to take advantage of:
Writing a good informative essay is an art form in itself. You have to hook the reader from the very beginning, especially when writing an academic essay where it's easy to descend into drudgery. Choosing interesting informative essay topics is the start of this. Pick something interesting and your job becomes much easier. Fail to do this and it's an uphill climb as you have to attempt to inject some excitement into something which isn't necessarily engaging.

When a tutor sets an informative assignment they are looking for students in Australia to educate the reader. It requires a great deal of expertise. This is why you should always choose something you have a genuine interest in as you must communicate your passion in an easy-to-understand manner. In this case, you are the teacher. Your research should display the intricate nuances of your chosen topic. This is the only way to get the high marks.

Also, tailor your subject to the length of the essay. If it's a twenty-page mega essay a broader topic is better, whereas attempting to do this in 500 words isn't advised as you'll have to water your ideas down, or even miss some vital concepts out completely.

Here are 50 exciting informative essay topics for you to take advantage of:
  1. How names persist throughout history.
  2. Differences in communication between culture.
  3. How insomnia is caused.
  4. Treating sleep apnoea.
  5. The causes of World War II.
  6. The story of Anne Frank.
  7. NASAs first space exploration program.
  8. The discovery of the planets in our solar system.
  9. The Nuremberg Trials.
  10. The invention of the Xerox machine.
  11. How lung cancer is diagnosed.
  12. Alternative fuels of the future.
  13. The Segway in society.
  14. The ethical issues surrounding using foetuses for medical research.
  15. How stem cells can cure terminal diseases.
  16. Modern parenting methods.
  17. How the Cold War was triggered.
  18. The ideology and beliefs of Nazism.
  19. The death of Napoleon.
  20. How the British lost the American Revolutionary War.
  21. The impact of Oprah Winfrey on American society.
  22. How Martin Luther King advanced civil rights for black people.
  23. The Industrial Revolution in Europe.
  24. The fall of the British Empire.
  25. How tsunamis are caused.
  26. Whats at the end of a black hole?
  27. The future of human and animal cloning.
  28. The creation of a rainbow.
  29. How credit cards have changed consumer habits.
  30. How social media has transformed the way people communicate.
  31. The effects of pollution on the ocean.
  32. How laser eye surgery is performed.
  33. Functions of an ammeter.
  34. Making money using the Internet.
  35. New methods of advertising in the 21st century.
  36. The hidden danger of plastic bag use.
  37. Government and the reduction in civil rights.
  38. How to conserve energy at home.
  39. The disadvantages of space exploration.
  40. Staying healthy.
  41. Treating diabetes.
  42. How Female Sexual Dysfunction occurs.
  43. The ins and outs of hypnosis.
  44. Myths about swine flu.
  45. How open heart surgery is performed.
  46. The formation of new proteins in the body.
  47. Motivating students to study.
  48. Discipline in the workplace.
  49. Various types of cancers.
  50.  The dangers of living a sedentary lifestyle.

Combination of Sports and Brands

Sports seem to be becoming more and more popular as time goes by, and as they become more popular that will just lead to more and more brands being put into sports. Recently this trend can be seen in the fact that companies are increasing their overall brand awareness by sponsoring whole teams and complete events. Examples include Red Bull sponsoring a whole F1 team, and also an Air Racing team, Pepsi and Coke continuing to fight their cola war by increasing sponsorships of whole teams like cricket teams. 

More brands being linked to sports teams and events can be seen as a very positive thing because it enhances the entire sport because of increased consumer awareness. For example if someone was a big fan of a certain brand and that brand started sponsoring a sport then their consumers might start to take an interest in the sport and the sport suddenly gets more fans. It can also work the other way round with sports fans trying a product that is sponsoring their favorite sport.

Differences between men and women


First, woman is crying and then toasting.

The man first drink and then crying.


Women have different socks: below knee, above the knee with garters, adhesive, and without garters, nylon and ordinary, with line, without line ...

Men wear the standard white socks (when wearing sneakers) and black (when wearing shoes).


The average woman says that she wants sex non-stop, all day, but the truth is that she is really ready for sex just three times a week. In addition, she considers that foreplay should last about 30 minutes.

The average man, younger than 40 years, wants to have sex every night, every morning or the morning and evening and he is always ready ... He considers that foreplay should last no longer than 30-45.


Women use sex to get what they really want.

Men do not use sex for anything, because they already got what they wanted.


A woman knows all about her children. She knows when they have scheduled to a dentist, knows when they have training, knows all his friends and sympathy, understanding all their fears ...

Children? Men do not have clearly defined position on these small creatures in the house.


Women understand the colors and always know how they go together.

Men think:> Red is a beautiful color, and pink is a beautiful, who says they do not go together? <


Women love cats.

Men only say that they love cats, but when no one is looking, they kick then with please.


Women leave things on the stairs to pick them up in return.

The men jump over them until they are told to raise them.


Women always know where things stands for.

Men never know where their things are. And why should they? Well, there is a woman who in every moment know where she removed them.


The average woman has between 15 and 25 pairs of shoes, but most of thoes shoes pinches.

The average man has four pairs of shoes - sneakers, shoes, boots and slippers.


Women think that the clothes that were purchased six months ago becomes radioactive after a while. To avoid contamination they are buying new things.

Men wear anything that is located in their closet, including the pants that were modern eight years ago. The average man still has at least one shirt from high school. He believes that sweater got just a little old only when there are holes in its elbows. He will keep packed shirt in his closet for several years before deciding to wear it, hoping that by that time it become more pleasant to wear.


The woman immediately asks what color it is.

The man asks where that person got so much money for the car.


A man starts the sentence ... a woman is ending it.

Is this a paradise on earth?

1200 islands, 26 atolls, 700 km from Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean are the exotic Maldives. 'Paradise on Earth' - are the Maldives in one sentence. Sun, coconut palms, over 25 degrees, lagoon and white sand are a balm for the eyes and soul.

Although there are over a thousand of islands, each of them is different and unique. Some are more lagoon, some have a more beautiful beach and several palm trees, some with superb spa treatments, and some will fascinate even offer food and 18,000 bottles of wine from all over the world.

In the Maldives you only need a bathing suit, mask and fins. If you choose to cruise the Maldives you will experience morning with a flock of dolphins, you will visit the deserted island, enjoy the tropical sunsets and fresh coconut and eat whenever you want and feel the real adventure.

'Waste and uninhabited islands are exotic and improbable lead you to a third dimension and radiate energy which can be felt only at this place in the whole world.

The fact that you can experience only when you dive with a mask at the depth of 1 meter, this wealth of fish and coral and other exotic species it seem so unreal. When you see a turtle in front of you, below you a few meters large Manta or when swimming with a thousand small colorful tropical fish, then you are the happiest person in the world. It feels phenomenal to swim and lie on a small islet of only two meters in the ocean, enjoy the turquoise lagoon that surrounds you and collect shells and white and red coral as a souvenir and a memory that you were really there. It is such a difficult place to leave. Whether you're on an island in the home or on the water in the so-called water bungalow or cruising the atolls, you will once again want to return at the Maldives.

Say NO to technology before bedtime

Scientist's research of American institutions of the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) found that dependence on television, mobile phones and computers can be very harmful for health. It can affect sleep deprivation and lack of sleep, the consequences of which adversely affect their performance, mood, family relationships, the driving habits, sex life and general health of the individual.

Watching television, playing video games, checking e-mail and messaging computer or mobile just before the bedtime significantly affect the body's clock and the habit of leaving the individual at rest.

Unfortunately, mobile, and computers in many ways facilitate the manner and pace of life, frequently abused. Millions of Americans because of thr use of technology late at night, immediately before bedtime, the next day they feel so tired and they are bad at work, says Russell Rosenberg, vice president of NSF's based in Washington.

Charles Czeisler, a scientist with the Harvard Medical School and head of the Hospital for Gynecology in Boston, claims that exposure to artificial light just before bedtime increases the metabolism and reduces the release of melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating sleep. In the room we play technology, which we interfere with normal sleep and rest, so many people sleeping less than they should, he said.

Nearly 95 participants in a study conducted in NSF responded that immediately before going to bed they are using some kind of gadget or TV, and two-thirds admitted that during the week, they are not sleeping enough. Baby Boom generation, that is people aged 46 to 64 years are the biggest consumers of television instead of lullabies, a young person before going to bed playing video games. As expected, the most vulnerable group are teenagers (13 to 18) - as much as 22 percent of them admitted that they are constantly sleepy, compared to nine percent of baby boomers.

At night they sleep an average of an hour to an hour and a half less than their peers slept a hundred years ago, which means that they lose sleep about 50 hours per month, it found Czeisler, adding that lack of sleep is generally negatively affect the performance, mood, family relationships, driving habits, sex life and overall health.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Interesting facts about our body

We are introducing to you the ten proven scientifically interesting thing about the human body that you may have never knew.

1. The human body shines in the darkness
In Japan, researchers have succeeded with more sensitive cameras to detect that human body shines. They found that our bodies emit very small amounts of light. This light is so small that a human does not register them. While this is long been known that all living things produce a small amount of light as a result of chemical reactions in the body. Now scientists in Japan for the first time in the world are managed to prove that and to record this phenomenon.

2. The human body produces aspirin

By taking or eating fruits and vegetables the human body can make a personal aspirin. Thus, one study found, and proved that the human body from the acids of fruit and vegetable products, salicylic acid, a key component that makes aspirin and anti-inflammatory properties for pain.

3. You are sleepy at work and same goes for your body
Nap for 20 minutes can improve the overall alertness, boost mood and increase productivity as brings a research and author of The Art of naps at work, William Anthony, said that the positive impact of short sleep may last for several hours.

4. The human body is higher in the morning than in the evening

This you may know or may not but it still sound strange and interesting. What is giving you extra height in the morning is the amount of fluid between the discs of the spine that is renewed during the night while we sleep.

5. Orgasm causes sneezing
Some men feel a headache after ejaculation, while some of them sometimes start to sneeze. Greater activity in the nervous system of human body can be blamed for headaches, while for the sneezing after orgasm is responsibility the brain center. The speed of sneezes can reach up to 100km per hour and more. The record was 160km per hour.

6. Our tongue has an original print
If you did not know, like our fingerprints, a tongue is different from person to person. Due to the uniqueness of form and texture of each physiological tongue, it is very important for example in determining the identity of a person.

7. The skin on the feet is thickest
Skin is thickest on the palms and soles, and its thickness in these parts of the body is up to 4 millimeters. It is also mentioned that skin in these parts of the human body has the most sweat glands.

8. Appendix is not a useless part of the human body
Many people thought that the appendix is just a useless part of the body, but it has a function. Appendix is some kind of a safe house for beneficial bacteria that live in the human stomach and promote digestion of the food.

9. Posture of our body has an impact on our memory
One study that was dealt and studied memory in humans has revealed that people remember better when something happened if they stand in a position where they were at the time of that happening.

10. Blondes have more hair than others
There is a lot of jokes about blonde girls, however one study found that blondes have more hair then other girls. Hair color for example revealed a completely different investigation, determine the density of hair. The average human hair has a hundred thousand root hairs, each of which can produce twenty individual hairs while the whole of human life. While blondes have on average 146 thousand follicles while people with black hair have about 110 thousand follicles. The least dense hair have a redhead people, less than 100 thousand follicles.

High Nutritional Content of Bananas

Bananas have a large amount of vitamins like vitamins A, C and E. Riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, folic acid and minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc and fluoride are some of the other nutrients which can be found in bananas. Also a lot of essential amino acids like tryptophan, lysine, leucine, threonine, arginine and glycine can be found in bananas. A lot of experts in the field of horticulture state that the banana was the only fruit which used to exist during ancient times. Today, the biggest banana exporter is United States with its firms Dole and Chiquita. 


Monday, June 24, 2013

What you didn't know about honey

Honey is the most perfect product of nature because it contains almost all the ingredients that make up the human body. It is not surprising that it is an indispensable ingredients in many households, and with proper eating this sweet and thick juice turns into a medicine.

Do you take honey without the liquid, it is desirable to keep it in the mouth until it dissolves. When you put it in the tea drink you must be careful it is not too hot because then it lose its medical properties. Because of the easy digestibility, it return energy immediately, and ensures long-term application of physical stamina and mental stability.

We usually use honey when we take a cold, but its health properties help in many other cases. Discover the few benefits of honey for which you did not know!

1. It's an ally in healing cuts and burns
If the wound is large, put some honey on it and it will heal faster.

2. It relieves hangover
Fructose accelerates the oxidation of alcohol in the liver. Honey contains approximately equal amounts of glucose and fructose and it can cause such a reaction, and to encourage faster combustion of alcohol in the body. So, next time you overdo it with a drink, eat two to three teaspoons of honey.

3. It can help in fighting cancer
Studies in mice have shown that some types of honey may prevent the growth of cancer cells. However, it is not known with certainty whether it works on humans. However, it will not hurt, for now and then, to take the jar of honey.

4. It is sweeter than sugar
This means that a small amount of honey will sweeten the drink enough, and the number of calories will be lower.

5. It contains antioxidants
As honey is darker, it contains more antioxidants, natural compounds that help in repairing damaged cells, which may increase the risk of heart disease or cancer. Sufficient daily dose is two to three teaspoons of honey, if you also eat enough fruits and vegetables every day.

The best eyeglasses for you

Whether you’re feeling like, there’s a pair of eyeglasses to indulge your mood. All you have to do is find the frames that best suit your shape of face. When it comes to buying eyeglasses, approach the task with the same adventurous determination you’d wield in scoring the perfect pair of shoes: seek out the style that most delights you, keeping your eye toward a marriage of form and function that best fulfills your needs. Look for eyeglasses that flatter your face.

If you have a high prescription, avoid metal or rimless glasses, which offer little or no coverage for the edges of thick glasses. Or you can opt for high-index lenses, made from a thinner, lighter plastic that offers stronger vision correction; they run higher than the conventional lenses. For distance glasses should choose a larger frame for better peripheral vision. Make sure the frames are comfortable. Glasses should sit lightly on the bridge of the nose without squeezing or slipping down. Try a style with adjustable nose pads if you have trouble finding a comfortable pair.
