Saturday, March 28, 2015

10 Inspiring Andrew Carnegie Quotes

The Leadership, Management and Success Principles of Andrew Carnegie.

Here are 10 principles principles you can use to improve to improve your life…

Provide Value to Build Wealth  
“Riches and material things that men get are the effect of some form of useful services they rendered.” 

Never Fear Failure 
“Examine the records of the truly great leaders in all walks of life and you will discover that their success is in exact proportion to their mastery of failures.”

A Good Leader is a Servant
“Every leader’s motto should be ‘The Greatest Among You Shall Be the Servant of All’

Have a Specific Goal 
“Definiteness of Purpose involving a hundred dollars for example might be translated into its financial equivalent in a few days or even a few hours or a few minutes, whereas, desire for a million dollars might call for considerably more time depending to some extent on what one has to give in return for the million dollars." 

Understanding Motivation
“Men lend their experience their knowledge and their aid to other men because they have been given a sufficient  motive for doing so.”

Money Should Be Used Constructively
“The good of money consists of the use which it is put, and not in the mere possession of it.” 

Teaching a Man to Fish 
“The very best method of distributing wealth is that of distributing the principles of achievement by which wealth is procured.”

The Value of Masterminding 
“Seldom does anyone has the ability, to induce others to serve as members of a Master Mind group, without giving something in return for the service received. The motive may be financial reward or it may consist of some form of return favors, but it must be something which is of equal value to or greater than the service expected.” 

On Speechmaking 
“We can see by examining the history of mankind, the entire trend of civilization has been influenced by men who could dramatize an idea with the spoken word.” 

Doing Work You Love 
“A man will always be more effective when engaged in sort of work he likes best.”

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