Saturday, July 13, 2013

Cross your hands to stop the pain

According to newly published research by British scientists, if you cross your arms across your body, you will confuse your brain and it will lessen the intensity of pain. Scientists at the University of London say the reason for this phenomenon is in a conflict of information between the two brain maps, maps for the body and folders to an external space.

Giandomenico Iannettija from the part of Physiology said that in everyday life, we are mostly using the left hand to touch the items on the left and right for the items on the right. In his words, brain areas that contained a map of the right body and right of the map outside world usually are activated together, resulting in effective treatment of pain.

When you cross your hand, these maps are no longer activated together, and that leads to reducing efficiency of brain processing of sensory stimuli, including pain.

The scientists used a laser in a study and on a hand of eight participants in the study generated the sting of four milliseconds. This is the so-called clean pain inflicted without touching.

The process is then repeated, and participants had crossed hands. The results showed that the perception of pain is milder if the hands are crossed. Iannetti also said that maybe we, when we are in pain had to cross our arms in order to feel less pain.

The researchers hope that their discovery could help in developing new drugs and therapies to reduce pain, which would be based on brain maps of the body.

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 Italia. He had moved to Spain, theorized that since the earth was a sphere, a ship could reach the Far East from the opposite direction. He convinced the monarchs to sponsor his search, setting sail in August 1492. After 10 weeks, he sighted an island in the Bahamas, which he named San Salvador. 

Thinking he had found islands near Japan, he sailed on until he reached Cuba (which he thought was China) and Haiti. He encountered dark-skinned peoples whom he called “Indians” because he assumed he had been sailing in the Indian Ocean. Columbus made 3 more voyages to the New World which he thought was the East, in 1493, 1497 and 1502, exploring Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Jamaica, and Trinidad. He never reached North America, and until he died in 1506, thought he had reached Asia.

Why is cooking so important?

A way to the male heart really is through his stomach. It's confirmed by an Italian study.

The subjects of an Italian company that manufactures pasta are confirm the above-mentioned proverb - one of the ten men said that he would leave a woman who does not know how to cook.

This data is not negligible if we take into account that the three thousand Italians were questioned, 50% of them revealed that a dinner saved at home is far more romantic than going to an exclusive restaurant with a partner, and thought it was the same answer for 45% questioned a ladies.

Cooking is the one most important skill you can endeavor. It is the way of life, it always has been. Food, water, and shelter are all necessities, and are a need not want for every human being.. What ever happened to family time at the kitchen table? Showing love and respect, while sharing a meal and talking about daily activity. Nowadays, people are so busy that they forget to stop and smell the apple pie. I'm serious. Families rarely have a sit down dinner with everyone present unless maybe for a holiday. Can you imagine, the thrill of coming home after a game of golf every day, and there sits a table fit for a king, or stumbling in at 2 am and here is a nice supper waiting for you, yummi. It's so very important for a man to know that he is going to get a big meal, night or day when he gets home.

So if you want to keep your beloved man, make sure that he is not hungry!

15 000 blinks per day

The fastest muscle in your body is the muscle that lets your eye blink. It allows you to blink 5 times a second. On average, you blink 15 000 times a day. That’s about 10 times per minute, or more than five million times a year. Women blink more than men. Jean-Dominique Bauby, a French journalist suffering from “locked-in” syndrome, wrote the book “The Driving Bell and the Butterfly” by blinking his left eyelid – the only part of his body that could move. 

Animals blink too, of course. Some bird species, usually flightless birds, have only a lower eyelid, whereas pigeons use upper and lower lids to blink. Fish and insects do not have eyelids – their eyes are protected by a hardened lens. To care for your eyes, eat carrots. They really do make you see better. Vitamin A is known to prevent “night blindness,” and carrots are loaded with Vitamin A. Deficiency of Vitamin A actually is a significant world problem, comparable to that of protein deficiency and second only to caloric deficiency.

Why is Beer Better than Women :)

1. Beer never has a headache.
2. After you have a beer, the bottle is still worth a dime.
3. A beer won't get upset if you come home with beer on your breath.
4. If you pour a beer right, you will always get good head.
5. You can have more than one beer a night and not feel guilty.
6. A beer ALWAYS goes down easy.
7. You can share a beer with your friends.
8. You always know that you are the first one to pop a beer.
9. A beer is always wet.
10. beer doesn't demand equality.
11. You can enjoy a beer all month.
12. Beer stains wash out.
13. You don't have to wine and dine a beer.
14. Your beer will always wait patiently for you in the car.
15. When beer goes flat you toss it out.
16. Beer is never late.
17. HANGOVERS go away.
18. A beer doesn't get jealous when you grab another beer.
19. Beer labels come off without a fight.
20. When you go to a bar, you know you can always pick up a beer.
21. A beer doesn't care when you come.
22. You can have a beer in public.
23. A frigid beer is a good beer.
24. You don't have to wash a beer before it tastes good.
25. Beer always comes in multiples of six.
26. Beer doesn't mind being in the "wet spot" that IT left.
27. You can't catch anything but a "buzz" from a beer.
28. After you have a beer, you're committed to nothing other than dumping the empty bottle.
29. A beer never costs you more than five dollars and never leaves you thirsty.
30. When your beer is gone, you just pop another.
31. You rarely (if ever) find beer labels on the shower curtain rod.
32. Beer looks the same in the morning.
33. Beer doesn't look you up in a month.
34. Beer doesn't worry about someone walking in.
35. Beer doesn't worry about waking the kids.
36. Beer doesn't get cramps.
37. Beer doesn't have a mother.
38. Beer doesn't have morals.
39. Beer doesn't go crazy once a month.
40. Beer always listens and never argues.
41. Beer labels don't go out of style every year.
42. Beer doesn't whine, it bubbles.
43. Beer doesn't have cold hands/feet.
44. Beer doesn't demand legality.
45. Beer is never overweight.
46. If you change beers, you don't have to pay alimony.
47. Beer won't run off with your credit cards.
48. Beer doesn't have a lawyer.
49. Beer doesn't need much closet space.
50. Beer can't give your herpes or other nasty things.
51. Beer doesn't complain about the way you drive.
52. Beer doesn't mind if you fart or belch.
53. Beer never changes its mind.
54. Beer doesn't tease you or play hard to get.
55. Beer never asks you to change the station.
56. Beer doesn't make you go shopping.
57. Beer doesn't tell you to mow the grass.
58. Beer doesn't mind seeing Chuck Norris and Charles Bronson flicks.
59. Beer is always easy to pick up.
60. Big, fat beers are nice to have.
61. Beer doesn't pout or play games.
62. Beer NEVER says no.
63. Beer is easy to get into.
64. Beer never complains when you take it somewhere.
65. Beer doesn't need to go to the 'powder room' with other beers.
66. Beer doesn't wear a bra.
67. Beer doesn't mind getting dirty.
68. Beer doesn't complain about insensitivity.
69. Beer doesn't use up your toilet paper.
70. Beer doesn't live with its mother.
71. Beer doesn't blow you off.
72. Beer doesn't care if you have no culture or manners.
73. Beer doesn't bitch, yell, or cry.
74. Beer doesn't mind football season.
75. A beer won't make you go to church.
76. A beer is more likely to know how to spell "carburetor" than a woman.
77. A beer doesn't think baseball is stupid simply because the guys spit.
78. A beer doesn't think DOS is pronounced "dose".
79. A beer doesn't give a fuck if you keep a bunch of other beers around.
80. A beer will not insist that those odious Michelin commercials with babies are "cute".
81. If a beer leaks all over the room, it smells kinda good for a while.
82. A beer will not call you a sexist pig if you say "doberman" instead of "doberperson".
83. A beer won't get a job as a DJ and play 5 straight hours of lesbian folk music on your favorite radio station.
84. A beer won't claim that the Three Stooges are shitheads.
85. A beer won't raise a fuss about a little thing like leaving the toilet seat up.
86. If you mention a "three-hundred-fifty cubic-inch V8" around a beer, it won't think you're talking about an enormous can of vegetable juice.
87. A beer won't whine that seatbelts hurt.
88. A beer won't smoke in your car.
89. A beer won't argue that there's no difference between shooting down an unidentified aircraft in a war zone and blowing a Korean airliner out of the sky.
90. A beer will never buy a car with automatic transmission.
91. A beer will actually *support* belching and farting and share your enthusiasm for getting them included as demonstration sports in the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.
92. A beer is always ready to leave on time.
93. A beer never fishes for compliments.
94. Some beers (e.g. St. Pauli Girl) have fabulous tits.
95. Beer tastes *good*.
96. If you take a beer outta the fridge just to look at it but then decide to drink it, the beer won't accuse you of "date rape".
97. A beer won't raise any objections to an evening of watching "John Holmes' Greatest Hits" on your VCR.
98. An ice-cold beer will nonetheless let you have your way with it.
99. A beer won't make you pick up some tampons when you go to the grocery store.
100. A beer won't accuse you of lying when you say you read Penthouse "just for the articles". (You *are* lying, but the beer won't accuse you of it).

Water resources

A man can live without food for almost a month but survive no longer than a week without water. Yet, although almost half of the world’s population live in water-scarce countries, there actually is enough of this precious liquid for everyone. 

The UN recommends that a person needs minimum of 50 liters of water a day for drinking, washing, cooking and sanitation, which over a billion people do not have access to. According to UNESCO, the world’s population are appropriating 54% of all the accessible freshwater contained in rivers, lakes and underground aquifers. If consumption of water resources continues to rise at its current rate, humankind could be using over 90% of all available freshwater within 25 years, leaving just 10% for all other living beings. 

Freshwater lakes and swamps account for a mere 0.29% of the Earth’s freshwater. 20% of all freshwater is in one lake, Lake Baikal in Asia. Another 20% is stored in the Great Lakes, Huron, Michigan, and Superior. Rivers hold only about 0.006% of total freshwater reserves. Mankind essentially uses only a drop in the bucket of the total available water supply.

Humans will breathe under water

New discoveries of scientists has opened the possibility that in a few decades a man will be able to dive without any extra funding, which would sent all oxygen bottles in 'retirement'.

These are experiments of bioengineers, who found the way for a man to freely breathe under water, and explained that in the future could occur that a human DNA can be linked with the DNA of marine algae.

In the purpose of this study was conducted an experiment that involved a symbiosis of salamanders and algae which produce oxygen. This combination was successful in the sense that these two are being connected to each other after the experiment, which proved that there may be a successful symbiosis between plants and vertebrates.

Of course, future studies will focus on the development of this process, so that one day it could be used on humans. In this way, a human could be under water could use some of the skills that all algae have, which would become a source of oxygen for humans.

Typing jobs done by men

The keyboard layout as we know it today was invented by Christopher Sholes in 1868. His first typewriters had the letters arranged in alphabetical order but he changed it to the QWERTY arrangement. In 1873, he contracted the Remington Arms Company to build and market the typewriter. It did not sell well for the first 15 years. 
In those days, most typing was done by men as the representation of women in the workplace was very low. Today, women do most of the typing jobs – although an equal number of men use a keyboard because of personal computers, laptops and other suchlike electronic devices. The QWERTY arrangement is by no means the most efficient. It also favors left-handed people. The DVORAK keyboard layout is more efficient. But as a standard layout remained QWERTY.

Watermelons of Both Sex

Watermelons can grow to a variety of sizes. The 1998 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records says that the largest grown weighed 262 pounds (119 kilograms). An interesting thing about a watermelon is that it can be a male or female watermelon. The gender of the fruit can be found by taking a look at the bottom side of the watermelon and looking at the ring that is in the opposite direction of the other circles. A male watermelon will have a small penny-sized ring while a female watermelon will have a larger quarter-sized ring. This is important since females are sweeter and with less seeds.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Super-Earth, a new habitable planet

A new study of astronomers has shown that there is a planet that is in the area suitable for the creation of life. Twenty light-years distant planet Gliese 581d, say astronomers, perhaps it is the first planet outside the solar composition that could really support life as we know it on Earth.

New atmospheric modeling studies of astronomers found that the mentioned planet is in the area suitable for creating a life around their stars in what is the possible existence of the water. This side of the world could in many ways resemble the Earth and it have oceans, clouds and rain, according to

For previous several similar studies, it is along the same lines, but with the discovery of the closest, though not the ultimate proof that on this planet flows water. The study states that Gliese 581d is about seven times larger than Earth and has a dense atmosphere on the basis of carbon dioxide.

Eternal day and eternal darkness

In addition to these planets, astronomers have discovered five planets orbiting the star Gliese 581, which is a red dwarf, and besides Gliesea Gliese 581d and 581g it is also interesting among astronomers because the system itself is in the 'green zone'.

Astronomers say that the Gliese 581d receives only one-third the energy of their parent stars, relative to the amount of energy the earth receives from the Sun. Also that planet, they guess, is maybe always facing only one side to its star, which means that one half the planet is in eternal day, and other half is in eternal night.

When the first time this planet was discovered, astronomers have believed that the night side of the planet is under perpetual ice, but this new study say that would Gliese 581d might have water, if it is an atmospheric layer of carbon dioxide and dense enough that it could be heat through the greenhouse effect and global circulation of warm air from the planet's day side to the night side.

Reaching the North Pole

On 6 April 1909, the first men to reach the North Pole were Robert E Peary, Matthew Henson and four Inuit – Egingwah, Oatah, Ookeah and Seegloo. Before Peary returned to civilization to share the news with the world Dr Frederick Albert Cook arrived in Denmark claiming that he had reached the North Pole from Greenland the year before. 

Now you might wonder how the world can believe a claim of reaching the North Pole if there is no-one there to witness it – and in those days, no satellites to follow the progress. There aren’t even any penguins in the North Pole! 

The test of being at the pole consists of seeing the sun and stars going around the sky in horizontal circles. On his return, Peary had 32 observations which met the test. It was found that Cook’s records of observations had been made up and he was discredited. However, in 1989 scientists discovered that Peary and his crew actually was a few miles off the Pole. Admiral Peary is still credited with being the first person to reach the North Pole.

Space travel with VentureStar

The VentureStar is envisioned to be the space delivery system of the 21st century. It will deliver a wide range of payloads to orbit more reliably and less expensively than today’s launch vehicles. Between flights VentureStar simply undergoes inspection, refueling, and reloading. 

The VentureStar will be 15,2m long, 4,6m wide, 4,6m deep (50 x 15 x 15 feet). The target is to carry 25 000 kg (56,000 pounds) to low Earth orbit (LEO), and 8 000 kg (18,000 pounds) to geosynchronous transfer orbit, roughly equivalent to those of the Space Shuttle. 

VentureStar will reach approximately 28 000 kph (17,500 mph) or greater than Mach 25 to reach Earth orbit, using the linear aerospike engine. This is the speed required for any space vehicle to stay in orbit. The linear aerospike engine has several performance benefits over conventional rocket engines. Initially designed and tested for use on the Space Shuttle in the 1970s, officials decided to develop another design, known as the Space Shuttle Main Engine.

50 new Earth-like planets

About 50 new planets are discovered by astronomers from Europe. They are behind the planets of our solar system. Six of them remind of Earth very much.

The largest planet in this set of 50 planets that European astronomers have found is the planet labeled as HD 85512 and it is by weight three times heavier than Earth, and it is about 36 light years far from us and it's located in the constellation Vela.

Otherwise this is just one of 50 new planets found in the solar environment system. Scientists and astronomers believe that among these 50 new planets discovered at least 16 planets have water, and assume that they have a life on them.

Discovery of the HD 85512 b planet suggests that the possibility of other planet similar to Earth where life is possible and that there are some stars that are similar to our Sun, said astronomer Michael Mejor the universality in Geneva.

Some of these planets have the same mass as Earth, while others are such as 10 times more heavier, and they are especially interesting to astronomers because they believe that the development of life on them was feasible and easier than on our planet Earth.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Australians love to gamble

The heaviest gamblers in the world are Australians. An estimated 82% of Australians bet. That is twice as much per capital as Europeans or Americans. Yet, Australia, with less than 1% of the world population, has 20% of the world’s poker machines. 

Thus said, the world’s biggest gambler is a Greek, Archie Karas, who at one stage won $17 million but also lost $13 million playing dice. In gambling language, for a gambling house a “sure-thing” is a wager that a player has little chance of winning; “easy money” is their profit from an inexperienced bettor, an unlucky player is called a “stiff.” 

The term “smart money” refers to gamblers who have inside information or have arranged a fix, the gambling term for insuring the outcome of an event by illegal methods. Small-time gamblers who place small bet in order to prolong the excitement of a game are called “dead fish” by game operators because the longer the playing time, the greater the chances of losing.

The first Oscars

In May 1927, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was established as a non-profit corporation to promote the art of movie making. The Academy had 36 members in the first year, with Douglas Fairbanks Sr as president. 

The first Academy Awards, now better known as the Oscars, were presented at a private dinner in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, with less than 250 persons attending. The first television broadcast of the Oscars took place in 1953 – on black and white TV, telecasted throughout the US and Canada. Today, the Academy has over 6 000 honorary members – the Oscar Awards are viewed by more than a billion people.

Hair transplants

With the patient under local anesthesia, transplanting hair is a grafting procedure that takes 4 to 5 hours. A strip of scalp is removed from the back of the head, then cut up into grafts of hair. 

Hundreds of tiny slits are made in bald areas, and the hair is transplanted one or two follicles at a time. More than one procedure is usually necessary, and some patients have temporary swelling in the forehead or numbness in the scalp. 

It takes about 3 months for the transplanted hair to start growing again. Each procedure costs several thousand dollars. There is an alternative to grafting. In a transplant procedure called “the flap” a flap of skin with hair is lifted from the scalp and rotated into the place of the bald spot and then stitched at the hairline. The flap is done in 4 or 5 surgical procedures over a period of a few weeks. Because it is never completely severed from the scalp, as is the case in grafting, the flap doesn’t lose its blood supply. As a result, the patient heals faster and the hair keeps growing.

August is a baby month

August is the month with the highest birth rate when we bid a hearty welcome to the millions of new earthlings. You are the proud results of a joyous Christmas season… even if your parents did not put up Christmas trees. 19.5% of new August babies are born in India and 11.6% in China, respectively 6 and 4 times more than in the United States: approximately 2.2 million and 1.3 million vs 0.4 million. 
Which means two babies are born every second in India and China vs a new baby every 8 seconds in the US. World-wide, 5 beautiful new babies are born every second. The global fertility rate is 2.61 while the United States has a fertility rate of 2.05 children born per woman. One in every 31 new cuddly earthlings born globally is born in the US, thus 3% of all new births. Nearly 40% of the American newlings – 2 out of 5 American babies – are born to unwed mothers. One in ten are born to a teenage mother, according to the National Center for Health. The birth rate among US teenagers is twice as high as the average for all developed countries: 42 births per thousand teenage girls (ages 15-19) vs 21 per thousand.

Human Head Bones

The head of a human contains of 22 bones, consisting the cranium and the facial bones. The cranium is formed by 8 bones: the frontal bone, two parietal bones, two temporal bones, the occipital bone in the back, the ethmoid bone behind the nose, and the sphenoid bone. 

The cranium protects the brain, which, for an average adult male weighs about 1400 gram, but the female average brain mass is slightly less than that of males. Interesting fact is that Einstein's brain was of average size.The face consists of 14 bones including the maxilla (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw). 

The skull has many little holes in its base which allow the cranial nerves to travel to their destinations. At birth, the human skull is made up of 404 separate bony elements. Many of these bony elements gradually fuse together into solid bone as growth occurs. The bones of the roof of the skull are initially separated by regions of dense connective tissue.

The history of chocolate

What is the number one foodstuff flavor in the world? - Chocolate of course. The pleasant feeling of eating chocolate is caused by a chemical called anadamide, a neurotransmitter which also is produced naturally in the brain. 
 The first chocolate house in Europe was reputedly opened in London in 1657 by a Frenchman. In the early 19th century, after the introduction of cocoa powder in 1828, the English developed solid eating chocolate. 

The first chocolate box was introduced by Richard Cadbury in 1868, when he decorated a candy box with a painting of his young daughter holding a kitten in her arms. Cadbury also introduced the first Valentine’s Day candy box. In 1875, after experimenting for 8 years, Daniel Peter of Switzerland added milk to chocolate to create today’s familiar chocolate. His then sold his creation to his neighbor, Henri Nestle. 

The 17th century French Cardinal Mazarin never traveled without his personal chocolate maker. King Louis XIV of France established in his court the position of “Royal Chocolate Maker to the King.” The chocolate chip cookie is invented by Ruth Wakefield in 1933. M&M sweets were launched in military ration packs in 1940. Swedish confectionery salesman Roland Ohisson was buried in a coffin made entirely of chocolate, in 1973.

Facts about tongue

The tongue has glands, sensory cells, and fatty tissue that helps to moisten food with saliva. Unless it is mixed with saliva, you cannot taste food. If salt is placed on a dry tongue, the taste buds will not be able to identify it. As soon as saliva is added, the salt dissolves and the taste sensation takes place. There are 4 basic tastes. The salt and sweet taste buds are at the tip of the tongue, bitter at the base, and sour along the sides. On average length of a human tongue from the oropharynx to the tip is four inches (ten centimeters). But Stephen Taylor’s tongue is even longer! He holds the Guinness World Record for the longest tongue, measuring 3.74 inches (9,5 cm). They measure the tongue from the tip to the center of the closed top lip. The longest tongue of any living being belongs to a blue whale. The tongue of a blue whale is as long as an elephant and weighs almost 3 tons.

Desertification And Deserts

The world has 5.2 billion hectares of useful dry land for agriculture. About 3,6 billion has suffered erosion and soil degradation. In more than 100 countries, 1 billion of the 6 billion world population is affected by desertification, forcing people to leave their farms for jobs in the cities. Desertification is devouring more than 20,000 square miles of land worldwide every year. Desertification affects 74% of the land in North America. In Africa, more than 2.4 million acres of land (73% of its dry lands) are affected by desertification.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Kids' safety on the Internet

For many people, getting acquainted with a PC is a terrifying and frustrating experience. Austin, Texas-based computer moms International offers its clients one-on-one computer and Internet training in their home or office to help ease the pressure. The rapidly growing company also helps families recognize hidden dangers on the Internet. For several years, they have conveyed the need for an “adult designated driver” for every child and teen that uses online services. 

Computer moms asks schools to distribute Internet safety brochures to parents of elementary and middle school students to get them more involved in their kids’ Internet activities. “Whatever your age, the Internet is a wonderful tool,” says Georgia Jones, founder of computer moms. “Unfortunately, it can also be a forum for people who exploit children and teens. Parents and kids need to be aware of its dangers and how to avoid them.” With the school year approaching, students soon will be browsing the Internet to research assignments and keep in touch with friends.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

How to Use Google+ Hangouts for Teaching

Google Hangouts
Google+ is the latest social media platform which has caught the imagination of professionals in all walks of life. Fortunately for educators, many features such as Circles, Sparks, and Hangouts are of immense value – especially for an educator teaching at institutions located in different places, who not only loses of time in travelling from one location to other, but feels the extra strain involved in alternately travelling and teaching.
Google+'s Hangouts is a tool that takes the travel-strain out of the teaching process. Teachers can use that time to conduct more virtual classrooms at a greater number of places. This enables institutions to teach more students with fewer teachers, thereby saving costs and placing institutions in a position to reward teachers in better ways. The biggest advantage is that the Google Hangouts allows a teacher to teach to ten classrooms at a time. Where there are more, each of the receiving classrooms can relay it, in turn, to ten more classrooms.
Classes can be interactive and students at any center can ask questions through FM mikes. The speaker's image will always be enlarged so that there is no confusion as to who is speaking. You don't have to search faces to find out who is speaking. Here are some suggestions for using Google+ Hangouts to improve your teaching experience.
1. Before getting started, ensure that
  • You have computers with the latest configurations.
  • You have a high speed internet connections at each node.
  • Your internet connection works even without power supply.
  • You have an alternate source of power to ensure continuous transmission even during power outages.
  • All your systems are connected to an inverter, so that the transmission is not lost during the switch-over form one power source to another.

2. Create Google+ accounts at the transmission and reception  levels
 These are the places from where the teacher is teaching (transmission) and where the students are located (reception). The first prerequisite for creating a Google+ account is having a Gmail account. Log into your Gmail account.On the left side of your Dashboard bar(The strip at the top)you will have an icon "+you" by clicking the icon you can create a Google+ account.     

Create Gmail accounts for all the nodes (transmission and reception). The Google+ accounts operate through Gmail accounts.   
                                                                                                                       3. Network the Google+ nodes once the accounts are created. It is necessary to connect the various nodes with each other by sending and accepting contact requests.   
4. Create relevant circles. The transmission node should create subject-wise circles and include the relevant reception nodes in the circle. Similarly, the reception nodes should also create each subject circle and include the relevant transmission node in the circle. The process is very easy – just drag and drop the relevant nodes in the circle.
  • You can create an unlimited number of circles but be sure you can manage the number you do create.
  • Have a clear and specific classification for the circles and ensure that all the nodes follow the same classification. This will avoid confusion between nodes.
5. Integrate your You Tube, Picasa accounts with your Google+ account. This way you can transmit videos & Photos.You can also transmit Power Point presentations,or any file from your screen by clicking the option "share your screen"

 6. Conduct dry runs. Test the system and the network at each node. View the audio and video quality and clarity. Make any necessary adjustments to perfect the connections.

 7. Run a few trial sessions. Conduct a few trial sessions on topics of general interest to enable the students and teachers to get acclimatized to the system.
  • The transmission node should select the relevant circle before starting the hangout.
  • All the nodes should log in to their Google+ accounts at least fifteen minutes before the schedule of the virtual class. The relevant reception nodes will automatically receive the transmission once they are logged in.
  • The transmission node should ensure that all the reception nodes are logged in before requesting the teacher to start teaching.

8. Start conducting virtual classrooms with Google Hangouts. And when you succeed, share the methodology and success stories with other teachers, to encourage more educators to make use of this easy and enjoyable method of information sharing and learning. If convenient, you might even like to write a few "How to" articles on virtual teaching to help others learn more from your own experiences.

How to make your computer faster...!

  1. Check your hard disk space. As a rule, you want to keep at least 15% of the hard disk space free to keep the computer running smoothly. Simply go to My Computer, right-click on Hard Drive, and go to Properties. There you'll see a pie chart of your free versus used space. If it’s mostly full, you'll want to start by removing unnecessary programs and files; it it’s not, you probably want to tackle the actual way your computer operates.
  2. Remove any programs you do not use. Go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs (or Uninstall a Program, depending on your operating system) to find a master list of programs installed on your computer. Some things will strike you as useless immediately, in which case you can remove them right away. Others won’t look familiar to you and may require you to do some research.
    • It may help to see how often you use the program. If you right-click one of the column titles above your program list (ex. Name, Publisher, Size, Installed On, etc.), you should be able to add additional characteristics by which to judge your programs. For example, find Last Used On on the list of options and check it; a column displaying the last time you used each program will now appear and can also be used to sort your programs. Some programs will not have been used in years and may be candidates for deletion.
    • When in doubt, don't remove anything you don’t recognize; it may be critical to the function of your computer – and if you delete twelve different things only to discover that your computer no longer works properly, it will be very difficult to determine where exactly you went wrong.
    • Don't forget to empty your recycling bin.
  3. Prevent unnecessary programs from starting when the computer boots. The more programs try to run while your computer initializes, the slower everything will be. Revise your startup programs by altering your system configuration via MSConfig.
  4. Install an anti-virus program, spyware scanner, and an anti-malware. The fewer bugs, viruses, and bits of adware your computer has to manage, the more time it will have to devote to other processes. While you're at it, make a point of keeping Windows up-to-date; not only will this keep Windows itself in better shape, but some viruses ride in on Windows updates that are downloaded way after the fact (and therefore not monitored as closely).
  5. Run a Disk Cleanup. This can clean up hundreds of megabytes of temporary files – sometimes even gigabytes (if you have Windows XP, Vista, or 7). It will also open a window in which you can chose what to delete. Go to My Computer, right-click the Hard Drive and select Properties, and then click Disc Cleanup (within the General tab). Check all the boxes except for the game files and setup files.
  6. Run a Disk Defragment. This will reconfigure the way the hard drive stores information for maximum efficiency. Go to My Computer, right-click the Hard Drive and select Properties, then go to the Tools tab and click Defragment Now.
    • Defragment is NOT required for SSD (Solid State Drives)
  7. Check for any disk errors. These will also slow your computer down. Go to My Computer, right-click the Hard Drive and select Properties, then go to the Tools tab and click Check Now under the Error-Checking area. When the dialogue box opens, check both boxes.
    • If you get a window saying that Windows can't check the disk while it's in use, click on Schedule Disk Check and then OK. It will run on your next reboot.
  8. Turn off indexing. Go to My Computer, right-click the Hard Drive and select Properties, then unclick the box indicating that the drive should be indexed. Don't do this if you actually use any of the Windows Search functionality. The background indexing is what makes those searches fast and Windows is already very good about not getting in your way to do indexing while you're trying to do something else.
  9. Clear your Prefetch folder. Windows saves a file of the program you are using to make it start up faster. After years of use, this folder gets stuffed with irrelevant programs.
    • Open Notepad and type:
      del C:\Windows\Prefetch\*.* /Q
      Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
      (Copy and paste this text to ensure you don’t make any mistakes.)
    • Save as faster.bat (the .bat extension will run it as a batch file).
    • Run it! Simply double-click the file to initialize. In a few moments, the command prompt will disappear and your programs should run more smoothly.
  10. Change Prefetch Parameters. This a dangerous task to complete unless you follow these steps exactly. If you're not sure about anything, don’t continue.
    • Go to Start > Run and type regedit to initialize the registry editor.
    • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SYSTEM>CurrentControlSet>Control>Session Manager>Memory Management>Prefetch Parameters to access the parameters.
    • Double-click EnablePrefetcher. Once the new window pops up, there should be a small, editable text box with the number 3 in it. (Windows allows 4 options: 0, 1, 2 and 3.) 3, the default, fetches everything.
    • Change this to 2. Your PC will boot a lot faster and your PC performance shouldn't be affected.
    • Click OK and then close regedit.
  11. Add RAM to your computer. To see if you need more RAM, initialize the Windows Task Manager by pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE. Under the Performance tab, find the area devoted to Physical Memory. If the Free amount hovers around zero but the computer is still slow, you may need to take your computer in to add RAM or even add more RAM yourself.
  12. Restart your computer. The computer usually needs to reboot to implement changes.
  13. Defragment your hard drive. This should make the system boot faster.
    • Yes, repeated defragment again (See above) as changes may require another defragment.
  14. Remove gadgets you don't use. All gadgets that are running slow down your computer.
  15. Log off the users who do not want the computer. Switch user your account then if you see that many users are logged in, log them off.

Monday, July 1, 2013

How to Teach Your Child Math

Edited by Jenna, KamiDesu, Samantha, Willigeneric and 6 others

Encourage your child. What do you think would make for a more enriching class-time experience, an excited and ambitious one or a defiant, uninspired one?

Begin teaching them with an interactive activity. There's so much of options. you can use flashcards or a simple sheet of problems. Give them a handful of small objects and let them use those to count out the answers to the problems. Make sure you also have them learn to use their fingers in case no objects are available.

Teach concepts, not just memorization. While memorization can certainly be helpful, it's even more helpful to have the child learn exactly how mathematic functions work. This way, they can also begin to apply their knowledge in other ways. That will help them when they begin to move on to more complicated math.

Always make sure that your child completely understands a concept before moving on. If you skimp out on anything, it will be confusing for them and they will not be able to work as well as they should be able to when you apply it in other ways.

Enhance the learning experience by playing games with the things around you. For example, ask them to say how many more pictures on the wall there is in the living room than the dining room. Have them count them both, then subtract.

Reward your child. At the end of your time sitting down to work with them, you should reward them somehow. Whether you give them a small piece of candy or you just hug them and express how smart they are, it will give them confidence and help them strive to do better.

Keep teaching them at a consistent pace. Sit down with them daily or at least biweekly to fuse the concepts into their minds. Never forget to keep it fun!

Bring up problems when you're out with your child. In the grocery store, for example, ask them how much money out of $10 you'd have left if you bought green beans for $1. This will also help make the connections in their mind to make them better at math

Play board games. Board games with two dice rolled instead of one can be a good application for learning basic addition. When they get older, games that use play money, like Monopoly, can help them learn more about adding and subtracting money.

Don't quit! Teaching your child math isn't something that happens overnight. Skills need to stack up in their minds like building blocks, and while schools are a primary educator in your child's life, you are one of the most important!

Indestructible Gold

It is not always understood why is Gold also simply beautiful to look at. It is extremely malleable and pliable. A one-ounce piece of gold can be beaten down to 5 micrometers thick – that is 1/10 the diameter of a human hair – and laid out into 50 miles of wire. 

It can also be made so thin that it becomes a translucent sheet; in fact, astronaut’s visors are covered in a thin gold film to protect their eyes from glare. Gold also has anti-inflammatory and other medicinal properties. 

Ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia (modern-day Iran and Iraq) were the first, at around 5000 BC (some sources indicate 4000 BC), to use gold for ornaments. The Egyptians would soon fall in love with the precious metal too. But gold was mostly used for personal adornment; the first gold coins for trade were issued by Egyptian pharaohs only at around 2700 BC. Large scale gold coinage for the monetary purpose was introduced in by King Croesus during his reign (560 – 546 BC) of Lydia. Croesus became one of the wealthiest persons ever. By firing neutrons into a nucleus to change an atom, gold can be produced from cheap metals. However, the nuclear process costs far more than mining gold.

The World now and 1000 years ago

In the whole world there were less than 20,000 motorcars 100 years ago and the maximum speed limit was 10 mph (16km/h). 1063 ft (324 meters) tall, the Eiffel Tower was the tallest structure in the world. Cannabis and heroin were available over the counter at corner drugstores. 

And pneumonia and influenza were the leading causes of death. In 1910, the population of the United States was 92 million and the world population was 1.7 billion people. Today, there are more cars manufactured than their is demand for it. There are about 1 billion cars and light trucks on the road. 

The maximum speed limit in most cities is 30 mph, yet the traffic is so congested that the average speed is just over 10 mph. The tallest building is the Burj Dubai, at 2,640 ft (800 meters). Cannabis is not available over the counter, and is very expensive. The leading causes of death are heart attacks, cancers, strokes, and motorcar accidents. Today, the population of the earth numbers almost 7 billion and 300 million roam the United States.

The Bank Business

The Bank BusinessAmedeo Giannini started the Bank of Italy in a converted saloon in San Francisco at October 17, 1904. On the first day, 28 deposits totaled $8,780. When an earthquake struck in 1907, he ran his bank from a plank in the street. Word quickly spread about his service and by 1916 he had several branches. 

By 1929, the bank was strong enough to withstand the Great Depression stock crash. Giannini changed the name to Bank of America in 1928 and remained chairman until 1963. The Bank of America would become one of the largest banking institutions in the world but by 2008, due to poor management, had to receive government bailout. The Bank of Italy in Italy was created in 1893 through the merger of 3 of the 6 banks at the time: Banca Nazionale nel Regno d’Italia and 2 Tuscan banks. 

The Bank of England was founded by William Patterson after King William III of England found himself badly in need of funds to fight a war with France in 1694. Patterson provided the funds after the king agreed to order all the goldsmiths of London to stop issuing receipts as depositories for precious metals, forcing merchants to store their gold with the new bank. The Bank of England was finally authorized in 1946 and to this day remains as an institution mainly to the benefit of the rich.

Ancient Breed of Dog

Tibetan Mastiff is classified as a primitive breed and still exhibits characteristics and adaptations necessary for it to survive in the high altitude and severe cols in Tibet. They can ably fight mountain lions in the high mountains of Tibet because they are large, ferocious and intelligent. Marco Polo was the first Western traveler to have encountered Tibetan mastiffs. In 19th century England, King George owned a pair of this dogs.

Tibetan mastiffs are an ancient breed long revered as adept guard dogs. This particular Tibetan mastiff puppy is considered "a perfect specimen," and Lu estimates that the buyer could recoup his investment in the dog in just a few years by hiring it out to other breeders for as much as 100,000 yuan each.

While Tibetan mastiffs have long been a cultural staple revered in Asia, they have increasingly taken on a more heightened role as a status symbol representing affluence in China.